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Friday, October 31



Blogger norman sheffield said...

Docroc you are either blind or just to naive to see what is really going on. Blaming Barney Frank and Chris Dodd is just the start! Barney Frank and his boyfriend ruined Fannie and Freddie. Perhaps you should do somemore research. He has lied through his teeth from the start! And Chris Dodd - well now we all know he has ruined his political career himself. His sweetheart deal with Countrywide Mortgage - and now the situation with AIG. He is done. Thankfully.

Maxine Waters has lied through out this entire ordeal as well. She fully knew what was going on at Fannie and Freddie. Charlie Rangel doesn't know he has taxes to pay on rental income? Come on this guy writes the dang tax codes!

How many more are there? How can these crooks get the same old free pass from the media? Where are the investigations into these criminals sitting on Captol Hil?

Democrats are doing it to themselves. No one has to help them bury themselves. I find it laughable as more and more information is coming to light - who is behind it? The democrats.

Pelosi lied this last week in front of millions of tv viewers. She knew exactly what was going. But democrats way is - as long as we don't get caught - it's okay. We have Hillary laughing off piracy. Napolitano calling soldiers coming home from war "domestic terrorists" - And she disses our very best friend Canada! She needs to be ousted back to Arizona. Obama lied to the people at the CIA and to Americans this last week as well. We have so many tax cheaters running our country. And now this mess with Geitner.

We have Obama's wife - taking her very own makeup artist with her to Europe. Our country is in shambles right now economical and poltically and she is taking a makeup artist with her? She can't apply her own Cover Girl Makeup? This is all at TAXPAYERS expense. Such a joke. Somehow everyday - being a woman - I can manage to get my own make up on without a make up artist.

I think the Obama administration is looking pretty laughable right about now. When democrats control things - America looses!!

Obama and his circus have 3 years and 8 months. He is a ONE and DONE president. Hopefully America can sustain these next 3 years.


9:41 AM

Blogger norman sheffield said...

Sen. Feinstein Aided Husband With Legislation

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 12:36 PM

Sen. Dianne Feinstein may have violated Senate ethics rules by introducing legislation in January that indirectly benefited her husband.

The legislation authorized that $25 billion of taxpayer money be given to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to help finance an FDIC proposal to avoid home foreclosures by promoting loan workouts and increasing federal loan guarantees, The Washington Times reports.

The Democratic California senator’s husband, Richard Blum, is chairman of the board of commercial real estate colossus CB Richard Ellis (CBRE). When Feinstein introduced her bill, the FDIC had just signed a contract with the firm to unload foreclosed properties for prices higher than industry averages, the Times points out.

The FDIC generally receives all its money from insurance fees from banks rather than congressional authorizations. And the Times notes that Feinstein’s intervention was odd in that she isn’t even a member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, which oversees the FDIC for Congress.

Senate ethics rules say members must avoid not only conflicts of interest, but "even the appearance of a conflict of interest."

The Times obtained documents revealing that on Oct. 30, Feinstein first offered the FDIC assistance in its quest for money to stanch home foreclosures. She sent her letter two weeks before the agency chose CBRE for the contract to dump foreclosed properties the FDIC took over from failed banks.

Spokesmen for the FDIC, Feinstein and CBRE told the Times there was no connection between the legislation and the contract and that the couple didn't know about CBRE's business with FDIC until after it was awarded.

But ethics experts were critical. "This clearly gives the appearance of a conflict of interest," Kent Cooper, a former federal regulator who specializes in government ethics and disclosures, told the Times.


9:44 AM

Blogger norman sheffield said...


Vice President Joe Biden Drunk

12:44 AM

Blogger norman sheffield said...


VP Joe Biden Drunk again....

12:47 AM

Blogger norman sheffield said...


What was the question President Obama

1:06 AM

Blogger norman sheffield said...


What happend with Freddie and Fannie????

1:23 AM

Blogger norman sheffield said...


You know the old saying JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY.....

1:31 AM

Blogger norman sheffield said...



1:46 AM

Blogger norman sheffield said...

Speaker Pelosi dodges human rights on China visit
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Play Video Climate Change Video:GOP takes Dems to task on alternative energy AP Play Video Climate Change Video:Speed Reading FOX News Play Video Climate Change Video:US CO2 goal 'will be compromised' BBC By ELAINE KURTENBACH, Associated Press Writer Elaine Kurtenbach, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 32 mins ago
SHANGHAI – U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, long a fierce critic of Beijing, toured China's financial capital on Monday but stayed clear of human rights issues, though her presence emboldened protesters.

Pelosi's silence — at least in public — is especially notable since her visit comes a week ahead of the 20th anniversary of the 1989 crackdown on the Tiananmen Square democracy protests. During a 1991 visit to Beijing, she unfurled a banner that read "To those who died for democracy in China" in the square.

The apparent shift in her approach dovetails with President Barack Obama's new emphasis on engagement with Beijing, rather than confrontation over its human rights record. Visits by Pelosi and other senior U.S. figures have been aimed at highlighting cooperation between the two countries on a slew of issues.

The leading Democratic lawmaker's reputation as a strong human rights defender galvanized petitioners in Beijing, where several hundreds gathered Monday morning near the capital's South Railway Station to air their grievances. Dozens of police stood guard and most protesters were kept at bay behind police lines.

While many complaints were about individual cases, photos posted on the Chinese-language Web site Boxun.com, a U.S.-hosted Web site banned in China, showed one group of demonstrators holding up a black-and-white cloth banner that said: "Welcome Pelosi. Pay close attention to human rights. SOS."

In the past, Pelosi has been seen as an ardent supporter of China's oppressed. When Tibetans staged protests against Chinese rule last year, Pelosi visited their exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

Pelosi did speak out on North Korea's nuclear program after Pyongyang announced that it had successfully carried out an underground nuclear test, weeks after threatening to restart its rogue atomic program.

"If today's announcement is true, these tests would be a clear violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718, which requires that North Korea not conduct any further nuclear tests. Such action by North Korea is unacceptable and cause for great alarm," Pelosi said in a written statement.

Pelosi said she and other members of her delegation planned to urge Chinese leaders to use their influence to get the North to return to six-nation talks aimed at ending its nuclear program.

The lawmaker arrived over the weekend accompanied by a delegation of four Democrats and one Republican, all members of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. The main focus of their visit is on the shared goal of promoting clean energy and combatting climate change.

Pelosi met Monday with Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng. The two exchanged pleasantries but made no substantive remarks before reporters. The delegation will later meet in Beijing with President Hu Jintao and other leaders.

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman and Democrat Sen. John Kerry is also in China, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will arrive next week. He is expected to reassure Beijing about the strength of the U.S. dollar and thus the value of China's vast holdings of U.S. Treasury notes.


Associated Press writer Audra Ang in Beijing contributed to this report.


7:26 AM


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